I am following the searchable gridview code listed HERE . I am having trouble with using the FilterExpression
. I get the exception:
Missing operand after 'Name' operator... When the exception occurs, FilterExpression = " WHERE Name like 'spencer%'"
The exception occurs in the following code:
protected void BindSGVData()
//hfSearchText has the search string returned from the grid.
if (hfSearchText.Value != "")
RidesSQL.FilterExpression = " WHERE " + hfSearchText.Value; //EXCEPTION HERE!
DataView dv = (DataView)RidesSQL.Select(new DataSourceSelectArguments());
//hfSort has the sort string returned from the grid.
if (hfSort.Value != "")
dv.Sort = hfSort.Value;
RideSGV.DataSource = dv;
catch (Exception exp)
//If databinding threw exception bcoz current page index is > than available page index
RideSGV.PageIndex = 0;
//Select the first row returned
if (RideSGV.Rows.Count > 0)
RideSGV.SelectedIndex = 0;
Any thoughts?
RidesSQL.FilterExpression = " WHERE " + hfSearchText.Value; //EXCEPTION HERE!
Should be:
RidesSQL.FilterExpression = hfSearchText.Value; // NO EXCEPTION HERE!