I'm having a little bit of a problem with LabVIEW 6.x concerning the motion control stuff. How do I detect whether a limit switch has been reached? So far I haven't found a way to do that. So what I'm trying to do is detect the minimum and maximum position of the attached device. To do that, I initiate a movement by using "Load Target Position" und "Start Movement" (don't recall the exact name of the latter). Now, if the position reaches a limit, the movement stops. But how do I detect that it stopped because the physical limit has been reached? I tried using the error output, but it just tells me that there is no error, although it displays a message box telling me that the limit in the direction of travel has been reached. It also tells me that this is warning 70026. But that number doesn't appear anywhere else, particularly not in the error code where I expected it to be. So I hope I made clear what I'm trying to accomplish and am grateful for any help on that. Thanks in advance.
For completeness sake:
Your looking into the wrong property, 'enabled' means that the device is equipped with a limit switch and 'listening' to it.
Active means that the limit switch is triggered.