I tried the example code from this side to learn the SuggestBox in GWT.
I have no idea where i connect the style with the SuggestBox.
I use uiBinder...
in the class: actioncontactpersontext = new SuggestBox(createContactOracle());
in uiBinder:
EDIT: SuggestBox extends UIObject so call .setStyle("mystyle.css");
You can change the style of the Suggest Box in the css file. It should be located under war/[project name]/gwt/[theme name]/[theme name].css. I'm using the 'clean' theme so I would replace [theme name] with clean.
Look for the css class .gwt-SuggestBox, .gwt-SuggestBoxPopup, .gwt-SuggestBoxPopup .item etc. They are all located in the same area in the css file.