I want to refresh all NSTableView
in NSBrowserView
of finder on mac os 10.5. For refreshing icon view , list view and flow list view, i am using apple script.
@"tell application \"Finder\" to update every item in front window"
In browser view this script is only refreshing last column.
For example , this script is refreshing only third column(icns-copy.m.....).
Can anyone please help me out?
It's only refreshing the last column because every Finder window has exactly one target folder at a time (whose content is displayed in the last column). The solution is to walk up the folder hierarchy and update the parent folders as well.
tell application "Finder"
set t to front window's target
update every item in t
set t to t's parent -- go one level up
on error -- e.g. when you reach root
exit repeat
end try
end repeat
end tell
This is a quick'n'dirty solution since it goes up all the way to the disk's root. Ideally, it would stop at the folder which is displayed in the leftmost column, but I couldn't figure out how to determine which ohe it is.