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bundle install failing for 'letter-opener' gem in rails

I am trying to use Ryan Bates 'letter-opener' gem as described in Episode #104 (and in many other places on the web) In every instance I have found, it appears that users are simply including the gem in their Gem file with the traditional ruby gems gemsource. When I attempt this, rails fails to find the gem. I must be doing something wrong, but what?

source ""
gem "letter-opener", group: :development 

Then I type

$ bundle install

and I receive the following message:

Fetching source index for Could not find gem 'letter-opener (>= 0) x86-mingw32' in any of the gem sources listed in > your Gemfile.

Thanks for the help!


  • It's a common error to mistype a compound-word rubygem with an underscore ('_') instead of a hyphon ('-') or viceversa.

    If you ever find this problem, you can go to, and search for the gem's name.

    In this case, searching for letter opener returns this result, which suggests that the gem is actually called letter_opener