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In windbg, what can cause the message "WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for mydll.dll"?

I have a dump (created by SysInternal's procdump) and when I ask to view the call stack of a thread I get the error:

"WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for mydll.dll"

I own the source code for mydll.dll and I have the PDB file for it, the call stack seems valid but I would like to know what can be the cause of the message. In the past I did not get that warning message.

Thank you.


  • The reason might be that you don’t have the the binary for your mydll.dll available.
    Try to either put it in the same location as the .pdb or use the File -> Image path to
    point at the location. NB both the .pdb and .dll must be the same version as the program dumped.