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Is there a way to keep a php object in memory to avoid disk reads and wirtes?

So I have an object that reads a file from disk gnugpg it appears to always create a gnugpg key ring in a home directory.

I want to avoid having to load this object every time a php script is called from apache.

is there away to have a php object stay in memory?


  • If it's a small object that doesn't take up much memory and is serializable you could just store it in the session:

    function    getSessionObject($objectName, $params){
        $sessionObjectSerialized = getSessionVariable($objectName, FALSE);
        if($sessionObjectSerialized == FALSE){
            $sessionObjectSerialized = constructSessionObject($objectName, $params);
            setSessionVariable($objectName, $sessionObjectSerialized);
        $sessionObject = unserialize($sessionObjectSerialized);
        return $sessionObject;
    function    constructSessionObject($objectName, $params = array()){
                $gnugpgKeyRing = getGNUPGKeyRing(); //do whatever you need to do to make the keyring.
                return serialize($countryScheme);
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown object name objectName, cannot retrieve from session.");
    //Call this before anything else
    function initSession(){
    function setSessionVariable($name, $value){
        $_SESSION['projectName'][$name] = $value;
    function getSessionVariable($name, $default = FALSE){
                $value = $_SESSION['projectName'][$name];
        return $default;

    and then retrieve that object by calling


    However not all objects are always serializable e.g. if the object holds a file handle to an open file, that would need to have some extra code to close the file when the object is serialized and then re-open the file when the object was unserialized.

    If the object is large, then you would be better off using a proper caching tool like memcached to store the serialized object, rather than the session.