How determine if mouse points to(hover on) maximise button of window even if this window is not of my application. Is there API for that ?
You may send a WM_NCHITTEST
to that window. The return value will correspond to the object type on the requested coordinates.
Something like this:
bool IsMouseOverMaxBtn(HWND hWnd)
VERIFY(GetCursorPos(&pt)); // get mouse position
int retVal = SendMessage(hWnd, WM_NCHITTEST, 0, MAKELONG(pt.x, pt.y));
return HTMAXBUTTON == retVal;
You may send this message to any window (not necessarily belong to your thread/process). Since no pointers are involved (such as string pointers) - there's no problem.
However you should note that sending (not posting) a message to a window belonging to another thread is a pretty heavy operation, during which your thread is suspended. There may even happen a situation where your thread hangs, because the thread of the application that serves that window hangs.
You may consider using SendMessageTimeout
to guarantee your thread won't hang.