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Tortoise overlay DLL registration failed

I am working on a windows app that has the functionality to set overlay icon for folder and ANY TYPE of files. I am using the SVN tortoise overlayicon dll to achieve this functionality. But now when I try to register the tortoiseoverlay.dll file, it gives below error:

The module "D:\bin\Release64\bin\TortoiseOverlays.dll" was loaded but the entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.

Make sure that "D:\bin\Release64\bin\TortoiseOverlays.dll" is a valid DLL or OCX file and then try again.

can anyone provide some light over it and point out what I am suppose to do to get this bug fix.

For clerification: I am using windows7 (64bit) Visual Studio 2010



  • That dll does not provide its own registering function. And that's by design: as the docs clearly state:

    How to install/redistribute TortoiseOverlays: --------------------------------------------- You can either install TortoiseOverlays with the provided merge module (which is the recommended way, because it can properly handle the required reference counting of the registry keys and dlls), or use the also provided msi installer. You MUST NOT try to install the dll and create the registry keys yourself! If you have a non-msi installer, you can call the msi installer like this: msiexec /i TortoiseOverlays-1.0.0.XXXX-win32.msi /qn /norestart