I have written stored procedure to poll the data from the database in biztalk.but the datasize is very large its around 80MB...Due to which i am getting error.Does anyone knows what configuration do i need to change to poll that much big amount of data.
in the table EDI834_5010_2300Loop i have around 35000 rows i need to chucnk the data depending upon this table
What do you mean by big amount of data? Big blob fields or many rows? If latter is the reason - modify your procedure to return data in chunks and set PollWhileDataAvailable = true in adapter.
In one of my current projects I use such procedure code to get data in chunks:
INSERT INTO @SubsetOfChanges
SELECT TOP 100 ChangeID FROM bts_DatabaseChanges WHERE Processed = 0 AND TableName = 'Producer'
SELECT p.*, changes.Operation as operation, changes.RowKey AS original_id
FROM (SELECT * FROM bts_DatabaseChanges WHERE ChangeID IN (SELECT * FROM @SubsetOfChanges)) AS changes
JOIN [region].[dbo].crm_clsProducer p ON changes.RowKey = p.producer_id
UPDATE bts_DatabaseChanges
SET Processed = 1
WHERE ChangeID IN (SELECT * FROM @SubsetOfChanges)
bts_DatabaseChanges is a log-table for all modifications in the DB.