I have a model called Nonsense
which has_one of Foo
and Bar
In my controller for Nonsense
I need to create the related entries for Foo
and Bar
The reason I have to create those I that I need to show the links to Foo
and Bar
in the new
action, because of the nature of the application the details for Nonsense
might not be known until Foo
and Bar
have been filled out.
What I'm trying to do in the new action for Nonsense
is this
def new
@nonsense = Nonsense.new
@nonsense.bar = Bar.new
@nonsense.foo = Foo.new
now the problem I am encountering is that in the show
view that the path helper will complain about the id for @nonsense.foo
and @nonsense.bar
are nil.
In the show view I just do @nonsense = Nonsense.find(params[:id])
and nonsense
accepts_nested_attributes_for :foo, :bar
Any idea why this would happen?
I don't think Bar.new actually creates an object in the database, so the id is actually still nil. If you want a link to those objects, you will need to save them first.
Can you save them with some default details? I haven't used rails much, but I think you need to be careful to clean those out if you don't end up committing Nonsense. More importantly, I suspect your workflow and/or data model need to be straightened out, but maybe I am just not familiar with more complex rails setups.
Finally, If all these things are dependent and part of your Model logic, then you should probably be creating those objects in the Nonsense model and attaching everything that the controller needs. Otherwise you are letting your Model logic leak into the controller.
To be more explicit (I'm pretty sure this is bad rails form by the way, even if it works):
def new
@nonsense = Nonsense.new
@nonsense.bar = Bar.new
@nonsense.bar.any_necessary_attributes = some_value
@nonsense.foo = Foo.new
@nonsense.foo.any_necessary_attributes = some_value