I am using preg_replace to strip unwanted characters from a string. Thats working fine.
What i would to additionally have is just to modify that ( or in the next line ) so that i can allow max 1 whitespace in between words. No whitespace in front or behind the string.
I have seen the reply at PHP preg_match needed to ensure only ONE space character is allowed between words where a possible solution was posted ( solution -> ^[a-zA-Z]+( [a-zA-Z]+)*$) but with some questions raised ( what is the definition of the word? what type of whitespace )
My Word definition -> english words ( including a-z,A-Z,0-9,- , _ )
Whitespace -> spacebar whitespace (  ) , not newlines,etc
Any code snippets?
Thanx, Meswara
Try this:
$my_str = 'Hello, too many spaces!';
$my_str = preg_replace('#[\s]+#', ' ', $my_str);
echo $my_str; // returns 'Hello, too many spaces!'