I've got a Flex application with Advanced Data Grids binded with XML and Atom feeds.
With my XML file, the application works very well:
jiraList = new XMLList(event.result.channel.item);
However, when I try to access Atom feeds, I cannot go lower than "event.result".
This works:
clarityList = event.result as XMLList;
But this doesn't:
clarityList = event.result.feed as XMLList;
As Adobe explains it, I use the Atom namespace:
private namespace atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom";
use namespace atom;
My goal is to be able to bind the Atom feed with my Advanced Data Grid Columns, as it works with my XML feed. How can I do this?
private namespace atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom";
use namespace atom;
clarityList = event.result.atom::feed as XMLList;
Namespaces must be used to qualify the property (element) accesses. ActionScript property names are in fact namespace-qualified, but rarely used this way. XML tends to bring this topic "to the surface" so to speak.