I post you an example of what I want to do, that is easier to explain in this way
void myPrinter(const char* text, int number){
printf("\n%s %d\n", text, number);
int main() {
char *someText="test";
boost::function<void(int my_number)> functionWithSavedArgs = boost::bind(&myPrinter, someText, ?????);
//then I have to call my function with saved args and give to it only variable "number" like:
int myBeautifulNumber = 2012;
// echo: test 2012
Any ideas?
Just skip that argument.
boost::function<void(int my_number)> functionWithSavedArgs
= boost::bind(&myPrinter, someText);
This binds only the first argument.
If you wanted to bind only the second one, you would need a placeholder:
boost::function<void(int my_number)> functionWithSavedArgs
= boost::bind(&myPrinter, _1, someNumber);