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Which is the faster way to read an Excel file into a .NET application : or Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application?

I'm reading in a very large Excel file into a application. The user specifies the file from a file picker at runtime. I'm currently using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application application interface to read in the Excel data cell-by-cell, row-by-row. Like this...

first = Excel.Cells(rowindex, FirstColumnIndex).value

I need to read big Excel files (80000 rows) and the current method takes a long time. I'm wondering if there is a faster way. I know it is possible to read in a file with Is this faster? Is there an even faster way?

Note Obviously, keeping so much data in an Excel file is not idea, but that's where the data that I need (some of it from other places) is being stored.


  • Thanks for all of the great answers. ADO.Net was way, way, way faster. Like 15 or 20 minutes faster. I posted here wondering if I should bother re-writing the code in for minor speed ups. But, the answer is clearly that ADO is much, much faster than Office.Interop as a way to read in Excel files.