I am currently designing a role based authentication system for resources where many users have different access rights to it.
A role may be a single user, or a group of roles (so a role is a tree of roles). (see graphic below)
A resource can have multiple authentication properties (like read, write, delete), where each of this is a list of roles allowed to do access the operation. (see graphic below)
The problem is if I want to check if a user has the right to access a property, i have to traverse n trees in worst case (where n is the number of roles assigned to an property).
So for example to check if 'Max' may read the property I might have to check the Marketing, Management and Administration trees if they contain 'Max'.
Do you know of any algorithm or alternative approach which removes the quite expensive tree searches while maintaining the role system or something equally powerful.
The perfect case would be some lookup like O(log(n)) for n roles.
Thanks, Fionn
Have you measured this and determined that this traversal is a performance bottleneck?
I've never seen a system with so many roles / levels that the cost of traversing this kind of structure would become an issue. And if the tree really is that large, I'd be more concerned that administrators would have difficulty in understanding who is authorized to do what.
Regarding scalability, I would typically use the ASP.NET cache to cache the complete tree that maps between resources and roles, with a suitable cache timeout. And separately cache the mapping from Users to Roles (e.g. in Session or with a user-specific key in the ASP.NET cache).
Accessing the information from the cache will typically be blindingly fast compared with going to the database each time.