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Detecting number of touches

guys, I want to set actions to touches. If people make single touch - one action, else - different. I've written this code in my touchesBegan method:

        UITouch *touch = [event.allTouches anyObject];
        BOOL tappedTwice = NO;
        if ([touch tapCount] == 2) {
            tappedTwice = YES;
            NSLog(@"double touch");
        else if ([touch tapCount] == 1 && !tappedTwice) {
            NSLog(@"single touch");

But it's detecting single touch, and after it double, but it's incorrect in my situation. Have you any ideas?


  • Check this link. Just Configure number of tap required by setting

    [tapGestureRecognizer   setNumberOfTapsRequired:2];

    and then handle this method

    - (void)handleTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)sender {    
           if (sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded)     {     
             // handling code     