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Contiguous VirtualAlloc behaviour on Windows Mobile

I have been optimising memory performance on a Windows Mobile application and have encountered some differences in behaviour between VirtualAlloc on Win32 and Windows CE.

Consider the following test:

// Allocate 64k of memory
BYTE *a = (BYTE*)VirtualAlloc(0,       65536,
                              MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
// Allocate a second contiguous 64k of memory
BYTE *b = (BYTE*)VirtualAlloc(a+65536, 65536,
                              MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);

BYTE *c = a + 65528; // Set a pointer near the end of the first allocation
BOOL valid1 = !IsBadWritePtr(c, 8); // Expect TRUE
BOOL valid2 = !IsBadWritePtr(c+8, 4088); // Expect TRUE
BOOL valid3 = !IsBadWritePtr(c, 4096); // TRUE on Win32, FALSE on WinCE

The code "allocates" 4096 of data starting at "c". On Win32 this works. I can find no mention in the VirtualAlloc documentation whether it is legal or coincidence but there are many examples of code that I have found via google that expect this behaviour.

On Windows CE 5.0/5.2 if I use the memory block at "c", in 99% of cases there are no problems, however on some (not all) Windows Mobile 6 devices, ReadFile & WriteFile will fail with error 87 (The parameter is incorrect.). I assume ReadFile is calling IsBadWritePtr or similar and return false due to this. If I perform two ReadFile calls then everything works fine. (There may of course be other API calls that will also fail.)

I am looking for a way to extend the memory returned by VirtualAlloc so that I can make the above work. Reserving a large amount of memory on Windows CE is problematic as each process only gets 32MB and due to other items being loaded it is not possible to reserve a large region of memory without causing other problems. (It is possible to reserve a larger amount of memory in the shared region but this also has other problems.)

Is there a way to get VirtualAlloc to enlarge or combine regions without reserving it up front?

I suspect it may be problematic given the following examples:

HANDLE hHeap1 = HeapCreate(0, 0, 0); // Heap defaults to 192k
BYTE * a1 = (BYTE*)HeapAlloc(hHeap1, 0, 64000); // +96 bytes from start of heap
BYTE * b1 = (BYTE*)HeapAlloc(hHeap1, 0, 64000); // +16 bytes from end of a1
BYTE * c1 = (BYTE*)HeapAlloc(hHeap1, 0, 64000); // +16 bytes from end of b1
BYTE * d1 = (BYTE*)HeapAlloc(hHeap1, 0, 64000); // +4528 bytes from end of c1

HANDLE hHeap2 = HeapCreate(0, 4*1024*1024, 4*1024*1024); // 4MB Heap
BYTE * a2 = (BYTE*)HeapAlloc(hHeap2, 0, 64000); // +96 bytes from start of heap
BYTE * b2 = (BYTE*)HeapAlloc(hHeap2, 0, 64000); // +16 bytes from end of a2
BYTE * c2 = (BYTE*)HeapAlloc(hHeap2, 0, 64000); // +16 bytes from end of b2
BYTE * d2 = (BYTE*)HeapAlloc(hHeap2, 0, 64000); // +16 bytes from end of c2


  • No, it's not possible.