i have images in 3d for example 1-10 images
in which i have (1-5) images from front to back in 3d shape left ward and similarly front to back right ward (6-10)
if we look at them a complete 3d shape is formed i want to use them with left and right swipe/flipping so that complete 3d view of that image is displayed.
i have seen this example but its far away from my view flipper and swipe. http://www.inter-fuser.com/2009/08/android-animations-3d-flip.html
any one guide me how to achieve this?
any help would be appreciated.
You can add realistic 3D flip transition by building on Raghav Chopra's the 3D flip library https://code.google.com/p/android-3d-flip-view-transition.
With that, all you have to do is instead of calling flipper.showNext();
call AnimationFactory.flipTransition(flipper, FlipDirection.LEFT_RIGHT);
and you are done. The 3D animation is pretty cool.
A lot of the other tutorials and sample codes (including the one you are using) don't produce believable 3D flips. A simple rotation on the y-axis isn't sufficient so take a look the above linke (or this video http://youtu.be/52mXHqX9f3Y).
If you want to have it automatically transition, simply add a Handler
Handler handler = new Handler();
handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
AnimationFactory.flipTransition(flipper, FlipDirection.LEFT_RIGHT);
}, 500);
The above will keep flipping through the images, indefinitely (cycling back to the first image at the end). To stop the auto transition, you add a boolean flag that you check before starting the flip, or save the Runnable
you are using and call handler.removeCallbacks(runnable)