I thought PartialFunction can be Monoid. Is my thought process correct ? For example,
import scalaz._
import scala.{PartialFunction => -->}
implicit def partialFunctionSemigroup[A,B]:Semigroup[A-->B] = new Semigroup[A-->B]{
def append(s1: A-->B, s2: => A-->B): A-->B = s1.orElse(s2)
implicit def partialFunctionZero[A,B]:Zero[A-->B] = new Zero[A-->B]{
val zero = new (A-->B){
def isDefinedAt(a:A) = false
def apply(a:A) = sys.error("error")
But current version Scalaz(6.0.4) is not included it. Is there a reason for something not included ?
Let's shine a different light on this.
PartialFunction[A, B]
is isomorphic to A => Option[B]
. (Actually, to be able to check if it is defined for a given A
without triggering evaluation of the B
, you would need A => LazyOption[B]
So if we can find a Monoid[A => Option[B]]
we've proved your assertion.
Given Monoid[Z]
, we can form Monoid[A => Z]
as follows:
implicit def readerMonoid[Z: Monoid] = new Monoid[A => Z] {
def zero = (a: A) => Monoid[Z].zero
def append(f1: A => Z, f2: => A => Z) = (a: A) => Monoid[Z].append(f1(a), f2(a))
So, what Monoid(s) do we have if we use Option[B]
as our Z
? Scalaz provides three. The primary instance requires a Semigroup[B]
implicit def optionMonoid[B: Semigroup] = new Monoid[Option[B]] {
def zero = None
def append(o1: Option[B], o2: => Option[B]) = o1 match {
case Some(b1) => o2 match {
case Some(b2) => Some(Semigroup[B].append(b1, b2)))
case None => Some(b1)
case None => o2 match {
case Some(b2) => Some(b2)
case None => None
Using this:
scala> Monoid[Option[Int]].append(Some(1), Some(2))
res9: Option[Int] = Some(3)
But that's not the only way to combine two Options. Rather than appending the contents of the two options in the case they are both Some
, we could simply pick the first or the last of the two. Two trigger this, we create a distinct type with trick called Tagged Types. This is similar in spirit to Haskell's newtype
scala> import Tags._
import Tags._
scala> Monoid[Option[Int] @@ First].append(Tag(Some(1)), Tag(Some(2)))
res10: scalaz.package.@@[Option[Int],scalaz.Tags.First] = Some(1)
scala> Monoid[Option[Int] @@ Last].append(Tag(Some(1)), Tag(Some(2)))
res11: scalaz.package.@@[Option[Int],scalaz.Tags.Last] = Some(2)
Option[A] @@ First
, appended through it's Monoid
, uses the same orElse
semantics as your example.
So, putting this all together:
scala> Monoid[A => Option[B] @@ First]
res12: scalaz.Monoid[A => scalaz.package.@@[Option[B],scalaz.Tags.First]] =