So I'm building a website that will use a lot of animated GIF's on mouse hover. There will be a lot of images, and I only want to load the images that will be used on any given page. It's using WordPress so I can use the conditional tags to only put out the URL's of the images I need on a certain page.
My problem was how to tell the browser/server which images needed to be preloaded. I decided to add a HTML5 data attribute to the containing element.
For example, I would have a DIV with this PHP in it:
<div id="home-container" class="preload" data-preload="<?php echo preloadImages(); ?>"></div>
Which would call this function in PHP:
function preloadImages() {
global $post;
$templateURL = get_template_directory_uri();
$images = array();
if( is_page('test') )
$images[] = "'".$templateURL."/images/gifs-static/button-info-tab-close-off.gif'";
$images[] = "'".$templateURL."/images/gifs-animated/button-info-tab-close.gif'";
return implode(", ", $images);
So the output would be this:
<div id="home-container" class="preload" data-preload="'', ''"></div>
And then I run this JavaScript:
var images = [
// Comma separated list
jQuery(images).each(function() {
jQuery('<img />').attr('src', this).addClass('preloaded').appendTo('body').hide();
The problem is that the JavaScript does not like the comma separated list. If I just write in the URLs, it works fine. So is there a better way to pass in those URLs? Or a better way in general?
You need to split the string of URLs by the deliminator commas into an array:
var images = jQuery(this).data('preload').split(',');
is returning a string, and you can use .split()
to split that string into an array:
Also you can make your loop run a little faster by using $.each()
var images = [
// Comma seperated list
jQuery.each(images, function() {
jQuery('<img />').attr('src', this).addClass('preloaded').appendTo('body').hide();
Note that you shouldn't have anything other than the commas that separate the different urls in the data-attribute
<div id="home-container" class="preload" data-preload=","></div>