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Which encoding opens CSV files correctly with Excel on both Mac and Windows?

We have a web app that exports CSV files containing foreign characters with UTF-8, no BOM. Both Windows and Mac users get garbage characters in Excel. I tried converting to UTF-8 with BOM; Excel/Win is fine with it, Excel/Mac shows gibberish. I'm using Excel 2003/Win, Excel 2011/Mac. Here's all the encodings I tried:

Encoding  BOM      Win                            Mac
--------  ---      ----------------------------   ------------
utf-8     --       scrambled                      scrambled
utf-8     BOM      WORKS                          scrambled
utf-16    --       file not recognized            file not recognized
utf-16    BOM      file not recognized            Chinese gibberish
utf-16LE  --       file not recognized            file not recognized
utf-16LE  BOM      characters OK,                 same as Win
                   row data all in first field

The best one is UTF-16LE with BOM, but the CSV is not recognized as such. The field separator is comma, but semicolon doesn't change things.

Is there any encoding that works in both worlds?


  • The lowdown is: There is no solution. Excel 2011/Mac cannot correctly interpret a CSV file containing umlauts and diacritical marks no matter what encoding or hoop jumping you do. I'd be glad to hear someone tell me different!