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RequiredFieldValidator make form not save ASP.NET

I am using a RequiredFieldValidator and the error message that I created shows up but the information still saves. How do I fix this ?

here is the code

         <th align="left">RFP EXP:</th>
                        <GMDP:GMDatePicker ID="rfpExpDatePicker" runat="server" OnPreRender = "rfpExpDatePicker_DateChanged" CalendarFont-Names="Arial" InitialText="Select a Date" InitialValueMode="Null"> 
                            <CalendarDayStyle Font-Size="9pt" />
                            <CalendarTodayDayStyle BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="DarkRed" Font-Bold="True" />
                            <CalendarOtherMonthDayStyle BackColor="WhiteSmoke" />
                            <CalendarTitleStyle BackColor="#E0E0E0" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="9pt" />
                            <CalendarFont Names="Arial" />

ControlToValidate="rfpExpDatePicker" Text="You Must Choose a date before the info will save" runat="server" />


  • Have you wrapped your button's Click event a valid check?

    if (Page.IsValid)
        // do something...

    You can't rely on the client side javascript to do the error trapping for you so always implement the server side check.