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How to use make to install an application on Cent-OS?

I'm trying to install an application on Cent-OS from its source code. which is mpg123-0.59r the installation instruction is :

# make clean

# make

# make install

but each time I'm trying to excute make I get :

# You do not appear to have the kernel sources for your current kernel installed.

# make: *** [linux26] Error 1

I googled this issue and some links told me to install the the kernel-source and the kernel-devel !

I did but I'm still facing the same issue !

I'm using Cent-OS.5 with kernel version : 2.6.18-274.3.1.el5


  • Ok, I found the solution :

    I was installing a driver-package and to use that you absolutely need the kernel source !

    also, I was trying that on a public server so I don't know if its shared or not ! and I have no idea about the hardware type ! so after some research it appears that it was a shared server and it has an old hardware that not include much new implementations.

    it ends up to change the server and everything goes fine.
