I'm study about NSNotificationCenter. Here is my code
//note init method is not complete here
-(id) init
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
name:@"TestNotification" object:nil];
-(void)reciveTestNotification:(NSNotification *)notification
if([[notification name] isEqualToString:@"TestNotification"])
NSLog(@"Succesfuly received the test notification");
-(void)reciveTestNotification:(NSNotification *)notification
if([[notification name] isEqualToString:@"TestNotification"])
NSLog(@"Succesfuly received the test notification");
I think that I undestand how NSNotification works, but how to pass ivar via NSNotification ?
Lets say Osender.h have this code
@interface Osender : NSObject
IBOutlet UITextField *txt;
@property (nonatopic, copy) IBOutlet (UITextField *) *txt
How to notify reciveTestNotification and pass data to it when user type or change something on txt ?
class has a property for additional data that you might want to send with your notification, userInfo
You post it like this:
NSDictionary *userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:txt forKey:@"textField"];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"TestNotification" object:self userInfo:userInfo]
And get it like this:
- (void)reciveTestNotification:(NSNotification *)notification
UITextField *textField = [notification.userInfo objectForKey:@"textField"];
Now textField
has the reference to your UITextField