I am populating different types objects with datarows with each attrivute of the relevant object = to the similiarly name field in the datarow.
I'd like to use a generic function to do this. How do I force the Type of the return object from the generic function. I don't yet know what the <T>
syntax actually means:
does not return the type as I get compiler error - Cannot implicitly convert type 'object' to 'JobCard'
See my code below
public JobCard AcceptJobCard(Guid jobCardGuid, Guid userGuid)
JobCard jc= new JobCard();
DL_ISMS.DataSets.JobCardDS.View_JobcardDataTable dtJC = BL_ISMS.Meter.JobCard_CB.FetchJobCard(jobCardGuid);
DL_ISMS.DataSets.JobCardDS.View_JobcardRow jcRow = dtJC[0];
DateTime dateAccept = DateTime.Now;
bool res = BL_ISMS.Meter.JobCard_CB.UpdatePdaJobCard(userGuid, jobCardGuid, null, null, null, JobCardStatus.Accepted.GetHashCode(), null, null, null, null, "", "", "", "", "", "", null, dateAccept, null, null, null, null, null, null);
if (res)
jc = PopulateObject<JobCard>(jc, jcRow);
return jc;
return jc;
catch (Exception ex )
private object PopulateObject<T>(object dataObj, System.Data.DataRow dataRow)
Type type = dataObj.GetType();
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] proplist = type.GetProperties();
string s = "";
foreach ( System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyitem in proplist)
s += propertyitem.Name + ":" + (propertyitem.GetValue(dataObj,null)).ToString() + "\r\n";
propertyitem.SetValue(dataObj, dataRow["propertyitem.Name"], null);
return (T)dataObj;
----updated after 2nd answer----
using this code: private T PopulateObject(T dataObj, System.Data.DataRow dataRow) {
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] proplist = dataObj.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach ( System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyitem in proplist)
if(propertyitem.Name != "")
propertyitem.SetValue(dataObj, dataRow[propertyitem.Name], null);
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.Message.Contains("does not belong to table"))
propertyitem.SetValue(dataObj, PopulateObject<propertyitem.GetType()>(propertyitem, dataRow), null);
return dataObj;
I have hit another roadblock though. One of the attributes is actually another object called Customer, with 11 attributes of it's own. I suspect there even are more nested objects still lurking. How would I handle the populating of these nested objects, for whom there is only 1 field in the datarow?.
To handle these objects: - I'd have to extract the ChildObj type in the parent Objdata - call a ProcessChildObj() function to which I pass the ChildObjType, and the complete datarow - and in ProcessChildObj() do a name match, and set that attribute?
or (as in the code above) - Call the PopulateObject recursively. This however presents me with a problem as the compiler complains where I try to pass the obj type into the recursive call:
propertyitem.SetValue(dataObj, PopulateObject(propertyitem, dataRow), null); //causes compiler msg "Operator '<' cannot be applied to operands of type 'method group' and 'System.type'"
How do I extract the type of the nested childObj to pass the type as a parameter?
Change your method's signature to:
private T PopulateObject<T>(T dataObj, System.Data.DataRow dataRow)
Also, I think you don't need to return any object because your only updating an existing object. You can just use:
private void PopulateObject(object dataObj, System.Data.DataRow dataRow)