I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS on the below insert statement using FMDB executeUpdate. It occurs on the bindObject toColumn in FMDatabase.
In the NSlog statement, I get the correct values, but the update statement bombs out. Not sure what I am doing wrong here.
- (void) addSubject {
DrillDownAppAppDelegate *appDelegate = (DrillDownAppAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
FMDatabase *database = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:appDelegate.getDBPath];
[database open];
NSLog(@"SUBJECT_ID/TITLE/CATEGORY_TITLE = %d / %@ / %@", self.subject_id, self.title, self.category_title);
[database executeUpdate:@"insert into SUBJECT (subject_id, subject, category) values(?, ?, ?)",
self.subject_id, self.title, self.category_title, nil];
[database close];
I went through the FMDatabase code and it looks like the first variable, subject_id is the one that is bombing out. I tried both saving as an NSInteger as well as NSNumber and both gave same crash.
The exact line from FMDatabase where it crashes is:
else if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) {
and it is passing the subject_id as an NSInteger (or a NSNumber) and giving the error.
FMDB executeUpdate statement requires that you use NSNumber and not NSInteger so convert your NSInteger into an NSNumber as part of the executeUpdate statement and it will work. I spent hours searching for this and finally found it.
Here is an example of how it should look:
[database executeUpdate:@"update Subject Set subject = ?, category = ? where subject_id = ?", self.title, self.category_title, [NSNumber numberWithInt:self.subject_id]];