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Flash cs5 code location confusion

Whenever I place the following code on the first frame of my movie, it works fine:

var strGlobal:String = "Global"; 
function scopeTest() 
    trace(strGlobal); // Global 
trace(strGlobal); // Global

But when I remove it and place it in my document class, it errors out: "Call to a possible undefined method scopeTest" "Access to undefined property strGlobal"

I am new to actionscript 3 and was wondering what to change to make this simple example work from my main document class.


  • In the same directory as your .fla file create a file named and define the following class:

    package  {
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        public class ScopeTest extends MovieClip  {
            var strGlobal:String = "Global"; 
            public function ScopeTest() {
                trace(strGlobal); // Global 

    Then inside your .fla project (document class):

    enter image description here

    Then when you run it you should get "Global" traced out to confirm it works.