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Cycle testimony transparent background in IE not working

I'm using jquery cycle to display testimonials on my site and want to set the background to transparent. Having changed the CSS the background is transparent in FF, Safari, Chrome and Opera but refuses to be transaprent in IE (specifically 8/9). I've tried all manner of things including using a transparent background png/gif but to no avail.

You can see this on my test site

Does anyone know how to make it transparent? Or another testimony rotator to use instead that will make transparency easier to deal with.



  • The problem is IE set the background color to #fff;

    If you do view source in IE, you will see:

    <BLOCKQUOTE style="Z-INDEX: 5; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 308px; ZOOM: 1; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; HEIGHT: 150px; TOP: 0px; LEFT: 0px" jQuery15205686771777138462="2" cycleH="150" cycleW="308">
    <P>"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam. " <CITE>- Martin, NY</CITE></P></BLOCKQUOTE>

    The fix: add !important to your css background-color rule, to over-write the inline rule.

    #testimonials1 blockquote {  background-color: transparent !important; }


    #testimonials1 blockquote {  background: transparent !important; }