I need to integrate OpenStreet Map in my c# application, as I have done some research work on google and bing and realized their licensing restrctions. Now I want integrate OpenStreet Map
Tasks to accomplish: 1. Display Map and the vehicle location on the map. 2. Allow the user to define regions or radius on the map by drawing lines or shapes(triangles, rectange or circles) on the map and get the exact calculated long/lat, radius, distance etc
I am totally new to this area have no idea, trying hard to get the knowledge but due to time constraint i am having difficulties.
Appreicate if some body can share their experience and guide me to the right direction with blogs, samples etc.
You're definitely looking for GMap.NET. You can use any map provider, just take care of license restrictions as you already noted. Look at the example they provide, it'll be useful for you.