First of all, I am sorry if this question doesn't belong to SO since I don't know where else to post it, anyway...
I am looking for a decent python based database development RAD framework with nice data aware widgets and grids. A desktop framework would be much preferable to a web framework (I've developed heavy DB-centric apps in django but the web dev experience is still painful compared to a desktop one), although a web framework will do as long as there are powerful data-centric widgets to go along with it.
Ideally, it should be as useful as say Delphi or MSAccess / VBA (I used to develop using those a long time ago). For the record, I have very good development experience in django and wxPython and as I've said developing heavy data-centric web apps is tough and wxPython although very powerful lacks DB-related widgets.
Please note that the use of Python is mandatory because I've been using this language exclusively for all my projects in the last few years and I can't bear the idea of switching back to more mundane languages.
Thanks for any suggestion...
You might be interrested in Boa which is Delphi-like, Dabo which is more DB oriented, or Kexi which is more like Access, there's also GNUe.