I am looking at enabling FastCGI to handle PHP execution on all of my domains. I tried it the other day and ran into one problem with my PHP configuration.
I currently have a php-browscap.ini located on my server that is used by all of my domains. It is located within my companies domain directory so something like this:
browscap = /var/www/vhosts/mycompany.com/httpdocs/scripts/php_browscap.ini
In order for this to work I wouldn't usually have to do anything because the apache user would have access to all of the web directories.
However, now that the user must be domain specific, I am having permission issues access the browscap. Does any body know a fix that I can implement into my PHP configuration to allow access to another domains directory?
I do not want to have to place a browscap file in each domains directory although I know this would be one fix
Would it work if I placed the file outside of the web directory?
e.g. /company/php-browscap.ini
Where 'company' is a custom folder in my root directory which contains scripts for my server. I havent tried this because it requires quite a lot of changes but if I know it will work then I will give it a go.
If you place the browsecap.ini file in a directory that has world read permission (e.g. 755 drwxr-xr-x) then FastCGI (or any user) can read the file. Such directories could be /usr/lib/php
(if exists) or /usr/share
If you chmod the file to 744, then all users can read it but not delete or modify it, as long as all the parent directories are world readable as well.