I'm trying to load a dictionary that comes in with Debian Squeeze. Unfortunately radius-client library fails on some included file with:
rc_read_dictionary: unknown Vendor-Id encrypt=1 on line 7 of dictionary /usr/share/freeradius/dictionary.compat
The line is
ATTRIBUTE Password 2 string encrypt=1
Freeradius is installed from the package, so I assume this should work just fine... What could be the problem here?
Late answer, but it still might help others, I got bit by a related issue.
You're getting that error because you're trying to use a dictionary file designed for the FreeRADIUS server. The client library "freeradius-client" is not 100% compatible with that format. Specifically, in your case, it cannot handle the encrypt=1
property of the attribute.
The reason for the complaint about an unknown Vendor-Id is another incompatibility between FreeRADIUS server and the freeradius-client library. FreeRADIUS server expects dictionary files with vendor specific attributes (VSAs) like the following:
VENDOR Cisco 9
ATTRIBUTE Cisco-AVPair 1 string
ATTRIBUTE Cisco-NAS-Port 2 string
The freeradius-client library however can only parse VSAs in the following form:
VENDOR Cisco 9
ATTRIBUTE Cisco-AVPair 1 string vendor=Cisco
ATTRIBUTE Cisco-NAS-Port 2 string vendor=Cisco
The above is true for FreeRADIUS server v2.1.x and freeradius-client v1.1.6.