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How to fix backtrace in clojure & slime

I'm a clojure noob trying to get emacs & slime set up. There doesn't seem to be one true way to do this, so I've followed a few blog posts and the swank-clojure and leiningen READMEs.

Mostly it works. My problem is that if I try to select restart 0 [QUIT] from a backtrace, I get

'error in process filter: Wrong number of arguments: nil, 0'

(I also see a warning on 'M-x slime-connect' about slime and swank being mismatched versions, but Googling suggests this is expected).

This is Debian Lenny. I got slime via 'git clone git://'. Clojure and clojure-contrib are 1.2.0, and swank-clojure is 1.2.1.

Anyone seen this? Alternatively, is there an up-to-date list of compatible versions of all the pieces? Many thanks.


Looks like it is probably this issue. I followed the same blog post as the OP in that thread.


Yes. Getting slime and slime-repl packages using ELPA fixed it.


  • Here's an update for google: things have changed since the previous answers and the correct way to start swank/slime is now via the clojure-jack-in command in recent versions of clojure-mode, which uses the corresponding lein jack-in command in recent versions of swank-clojure. Using clojure-jack-in, all the Emacs dependencies other than clojure-mode are automatically installed for you. DO NOT install slime.el or slime-repl.el manually, via ELPA or via git.