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Are there any workflow engines in existence that don't use BPMN and BPEL?

Our business is planning on building a rather large business application with about 2000 or so users.

Many objects in the system require a mildly complex series of approvals, notifications, etc.

For various reasons, our company has decided to reject formal use of BPMN or BPEL. What I am looking for is a workflow engine that I can pass these objects to as a means of facilitating, tracking, and managing the state of these objects. We are implementing this project using EJB 3.1 with a WebSphere AS.

Am I correct in my understanding of a workflow engine? Everything seems tied to BPMN or I just missing something here as to why most solutions seem to implement BPMN or BPEL? Some advice would be wonderful!


  • Workflow engines typically take an active role in an enterprise architecture. They execute a declarative process model, which is basically a directed graph consisting of nodes, which represent activities or tasks and edges, which represent the control flow between these edges. Such edges can be annotated with conditions to allow for expressing conditional branching/merging. There are several modelling languages around, like YAWL, XPDL, jPDL, BPEL and BPMN 2.0, which sit on top of these abstract concepts and some syntatic, visual and functional sugar, but only the latter are official industry standards. This is important to avoid vendor locks, make models interchangeable (at least to a certain extent), supportable by experts and different tools. During runtime, process instances are created based on a process model and are executed according to the control flow defined by the model. So the engine actively navigates from one activity to the next activity and thus "orchestrates" your business logic. The main difference between BPMN 2.0 and BPEL is that BPEL is tightly coupled to Web services, i.e. business functions to be invoked by activities are supposed to be rendered as Web service. So if you want to orchestrated WS-* services, it is still the best choice since BPMN 2.0 lacks well-defined and standardized bindings to concrete service implementations. In any case, I'd strongly recommend to use one of the standardized languages since they are both broadly accepted in industry and well supported by various vendors and open source communities.

    I tried to explain that in more details because I was not entirely sure about what you mean by "facilitating, tracking, and managing the state of these objects". This sounds a little bit like you are more interested in passively monitoring an object's state change as opposed to actively controlling state changes using a workflow engine. If this assumption is right, then perhaps a abstract state machine would fit your needs better.