I've got an HTML email template that's using a kludgy process as follows:
All's well and good, the image shows up fine (except for some quirkiness in Internet Explorer), but here's the rub:
I'd like users to be able to copy and paste the entire web page into Outlook and send it out as an email. However, Outlook (and a few other clients I've tried) won't receive Base64 PNGs via copy paste -- there's a blank space where the image should be.
Does anyone know of a way to convert the Base64 into a normal PNG such that it can survive the copy/paste? Maybe this requires saving the PNG to server?
I've been thinking about this since your last question and I've come up with 3 options:
On the backend, generate a post request (something like described here see Using PHP for POST Request) to the highcharts exporting server at http://export.highcharts.com/. From looking at the highcharts source the request needs to contain the following posted variables:
filename: png filename
type: from the plotOptions, the type, line, bar,etc..
width: the width in pixels of the desired png
svg: the svg string
Get the resulting PNG, save it to your server, serve it normally.
Switch to using the Java Highcharts API. You'd have to get this running on your server. Once you did, though, you could generate your charts entirely on the backend and just serve up the PNG file.