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Writing an Addin or Plugin Framework in C#

I am writing an Addin Framework in C# and I'm wondering how I can make Addin's unloadable without requiring a restart of the application.

I heard of AppDomains but how do these work? Can an Addin add extendability classes and be called in the Main AppDomain by Interfaces and still be unloadable and call cleanup code resulting in those classes being removed without that Assembly being in the Main AppDomain?

Or are there other methods of achieving unloadable addins, but IIRC other then AppDomain's you cannot unload an Assembly.

I also want the addin engine to be compatible with Mono if possible, so any answers try to stay compatible with Mono, if you can.


  • You might want to look at Mono.Addins. There are some good looking samples here, Here are some of the details:.

    The following code is a basic example of an add-in host application. This application runs a set of commands which can be implemented by add-ins:

    using System;
    using Mono.Addins;
    [assembly:AddinRoot ("HelloWorld", "1.0")]
    class MainClass
        public static void Main ()
            AddinManager.Initialize ();
            AddinManager.Registry.Update ();
            foreach (ICommand cmd in AddinManager.GetExtensionObjects<ICommand> ())
                cmd.Run ();

    The extension point for the above example can be declared like this:

    using Mono.Addins;
    public interface ICommand
        void Run ();

    An add-in extending the above extension point would look like this:

    using System;
    using Mono.Addins;
    [assembly:AddinDependency ("HelloWorld", "1.0")]
    public class HelloCommand: ICommand
        public void Run ()
            Console.WriteLine ("Hello World!");