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First steps with PostgreSQL + Django + South

Hi Stackoverflow people,

In the past, I always developed my Django projects locally with sqlite as database platform. Now, I wanted to move to PostgreSQL to take advantage of GIS features, but the transition gives me huge grief.

I have installed postgresql similar to this post and then followed the GeoDjango description for the creation of the database.

Furthermore, I replaced the models class by

from django.contrib.gis.db import models

and add

geolocation = models.PointField(_('Geo Location'), 
                help_text=_('Geolocation with Longitude and Latitude'))

objects = models.GeoManager()

Now, before diving deeper into the postgreSQL sphere, I wanted to test the model access through the Django Admin, and I encountered the first error.

When I select the model (which i just modified as mentioned above) in the Admin, I get the following error:

**InternalError at /admin/remap/project/**
current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 

This error is connected with a wrong sql query, but I am surprised that the Django Admin creates wrong sql statements (used by million developers and it worked fine in the earlier sqlite config).

When I check the django sql statement, I can see the entry for the PointField

"geolocation" geography(POINT,4326) NOT NULL,

but when I check psql \d projects, I can't see the change to the PointField (this is what should cause the error). Since I am using South, I executed

./ schemamigration projects --initial
./ migrate projects

but I get the message

Running migrations for projects:
- Nothing to migrate.
- Loading initial data for projects.

How can I convince south / postgresql that there is something to migrate? Do you see any other problem with the transition form SQLite to PostgreSQL?

Thank you for your answer & help!


  • A possible answer:

    Did you syncdb? Often when I'm having trouble with south, I just delete the database and run syncdb from scratch to make sure all my columns are in line. If you want south to ignore migration-enabled apps and just syncdb up to the current version, you can use syncdb --all