I run into problem while reading a book.
I see a program use predicate "simple" ( I guess simple/1
). I don't know what is the meaning of this predicate, I can't find it with ?-help(simple)
in the console.
But when I tried with some queries in console, it worked something like:
5 ?- simple(p(x)).
6 ?- simple(mia).
7 ?- simple(Mia).
8 ?- simple(f(Mia)).
I guess it is some sort of predicate to determine if the argument was Terms(or Variables) or Complex Terms.
The swi-prolog manual has the following definition:
simple(@Term) is semidet Term is atomic or a variable.
the definition is in the quintus prolog compatibility library; in the quintus prolog documentation the definition is:
Term is currently instantiated to either an atom, a number, a database or a variable.
in any case, simple/1 is true if the argument is a simple term (not sure what the quintus manuals means by database; possibly a handler for an ODBC connection i guess)