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Why are the implementations of the spin lock different between Windows XP and Windows 7?

I know the spinlock is exported by hal.dll in Windows, so I reverse engineered the code for the spin lock. The results are below.

Windows XP's decompiled spinlock.

unsigned __int32 __thiscall KfAcquireSpinLock(signed __int32 *this)
  unsigned __int32 result; // eax@1

  result = __readfsdword(36);
  __writefsdword(36, 2u);
  while ( _interlockedbittestandset(this, 0) )
    while ( *this & 1 )
  return result;

Windows 7's decompiled spinlock.

unsigned __int32 __fastcall KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch(signed __int32 *a1)
  unsigned __int32 result; // eax@1
  int v2; // edx@4
  unsigned __int32 v3; // ST0C_4@7
  signed __int32 *v4; // ST08_4@7
  int v5; // ST04_4@7

  result = __readfsdword(36);
  __writefsbyte(36, 0x1Bu);
  while ( _interlockedbittestandset(a1, 0) )
    v2 = 0;
     if ( !(v2 & dword_8002D1B0) )
        if ( dword_8002D19C & 0x40 )
          v3 = result;
          v4 = a1;
          v5 = v2;
          v2 = v5;
          a1 = v4;
          result = v3;
    while ( *a1 & 1 );
  return result;

Why is the code different between the versions? In particular, I don't see how the code added in the Windows 7 version improves the spinlock's performance in virtualization.


  • KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch is not the same as KeAcquireSpinLock.

    KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch is reserved for system use, not meant to be used by interfacing drivers.

    Thus the difference.