In my psake build script, I have a property called $build_mode that I set to "Release".
I have 2 tasks; "Compile_Debug", "Compile_Release". In Compile_Debug, I change $build_mode to "Debug" and it works fine while that task executes; however, if I have a have another task execute that uses $build_mode afterwards, $build_mode is back to "Release".
Is there a way to globally change or set a variable in a Psake build script so that an updated value can be used between tasks?
(I'm trying to have 1 "test" or 1 "package" task instead of a "Test_Debug", etc.)
properties {
$build_mode = "Release"
task default -depends Compile_Debug, Test
task Compile_Debug {
$build_mode = "Debug"
# Compilation tasks here that use the Debug value
task Test {
# Test related tasks that depend on $build_mode being updated.
Why don't you pass the build mode as parameter to the tasks from the Invoke-Psake?
Invoke-Psake "$PSScriptRoot\Deploy\Deploy.Tasks.ps1" `
-framework $conventions.framework `
-taskList $tasks `
-parameters @{
"build_mode" = "Debug"
And in the tasks you can now use $build_mode