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How to tell if Cocoa Touch device can make calls?

Possible Duplicate:
iOS - Detecting whether or not device support phone calls?

I'm writing an iPhone application that provides a button to call a phone number. I'm using code like the following to dial the number using a tel: URL in the usual way:

NSURL* contactTelURL = [NSURL
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:contactTelURL];

It works fine on a real iPhone, but I just get an 'Unsupported URL' alert in the simulator. Presumably that would also happen on an iPod Touch, though I haven't tested that. It would be nice to remove the button when running on a device that won't make calls.

Is there a way to detect programatically whether a Cocoa Touch device can make phone calls?


  • You could query [[UIDevice currentDevice] model], and check if it is an iPhone.