In the sample, provided with the SDK, I get a
java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot initialize Visualizer engine, error: -4
when trying to create the
mVisualizer = new Visualizer(mMediaPlayer.getAudioSessionId());
As far as I can see, the error originates in the native code, (lines 266 ff.) An error also happens when trying to create the
mEqualizer = new Equalizer(0, mMediaPlayer.getAudioSessionId());
I get a
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Effect type: 0bed4300-ddd6-11db-8f34-0002a5d5c51b not supported.
I have declared the following permissions for my project:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS"/>
Any ideas what might be going wrong here?
It seems to be a problem with the API level. I have no problems on Gingerbread (API Level 10). I have only tested on virtual devices.
This seems to be an issue with the Emulator. I have tested on an actual device running Android 4.0.3 and it worked just fine.