I have some code I wrote a few years ago. It has been working fine, but after a recent rebuild with some new, unrelated code elsewhere, it is no longer working. This is the code:
inline CMapStringToOb* GetMap(void) {return (m_lpcMap);};
The above is accessed from the main app like so:
CMapStringToOb* lpcMap = static_cast<CMyObject*>(m_lpcBaseClass)->GetMap();
Like I said, this WAS working for a long time, but it's just decided to start failing as of our most recent build. I have debugged into this, and I am able to see that, in the code where the pointer is set, it is correctly setting the memory address to an actual value. I have even been able to step into the set function, write down the memory address, then move to this function, let it get 0xfdfdfdfd, and then manually get the memory address in the debugger. This causes the code to work. Now, from what I've read, 0xfdfdfdfd means guarding bytes or "no man's land", but I don't really understand what the implications of that are. Supposedly it also means an off by one error, but I don't understand how that could happen, if the code was working before.
Scenarios where "magic" happens almost always come back to memory corruption. I suspect that somewhere else in your code you've modified memory incorrectly, and it's resulting in this peculiar behavior. Try testing some different ways of entering this part of the code. Is the behavior consistent?
This could also be caused by an incorrectly built binary. Try cleaning and rebuilding your project.