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How to modify input stream of netcat?

I'm creating a TCP/IP interface to a serial device on a redhat linux machine. netcat in a bash script was used to accomplish this with out to much trouble.


The problem is that the serial device uses carriage returns('\r') for line ends in its responses. I want to translate this to ("\r\n") so windows machines telneting in can view the response without any trouble. I'm trying to figure out how to go about this with a simple bash solution. I also have access to stty to configure the serial device, but there is no "\r" to "\r\n" translate on the input side(from what I can tell).

I did try to use tr on the input side of netcat, but it didn't work.

#cat $TTYDEVICE | tr '\r' '\r\n' | nc -l $PORT > $TTYDEVICE

Any ideas?


  • This is overly difficult with standard tools, but pretty easy in perl (although perl is pretty much a standard tool these days):

    perl -pe 's/\r/\r\n/g'

    The version above will likely read the entire input into memory before doing any processing (it will read until it finds '\n', which will be the entire input if the input does not contain '\n'), so you might prefer:

    perl -015 -pe '$\="\n"'