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IE <DOCTYPE html> defaults to quirksmode

I'm making a wordpress theme, and in IE, on my homepage of the theme, everything is aligned left, but everything that should be centered is centered when viewing a page or post.

I have tried cutting out almost everything from the homepage and I still have not found the origin of this.

The weird thing is though, that using IE Developer Toolbar, setting the Document Mode to IE 8, makes it work like a charm. But by default, the Document Mode is Quirksmode (which makes no sense, since I use DOCTYPE html!

I tried using the X-UA Compatible metatag, but that did not do it either.

I'm afraid that I cannot provide enough code as it would simply be too much.

How can I force IE to not use Quirksmode? As I said, I tried everything I know, and everything I could find on google, and nothing helped.

Here are a few screenies that may help you understand my problem.

Document Mode: Quirksmode (DEFAULT! PROBLEM!)

enter image description here

Document Mode: IE 8 Standards (Fixes the problem, but not default!)

enter image description here

Thank you in advance!


  • If you are testing the page locally only, the odds are that IE uses Quirks Mode just because of that. Try uploading the page on a server, test again, and post the URL if problems remain. (It could be some typo in the doctype declaration.) See also the page which describes, among other things, some of the fairly confusing features of IE in the Quirks Mode issue.