I have been trying to log a script output with syslog-ng, however, if I use any time.sleep() function in my code, it breaks syslog-ng and stops logging the output of the script.
Here are the details.
// samplescript.py
import time
while True:
print "hello world"
I use pipe to get it's output to syslog-ng, and I use unix logger tool, so I'm calling the script like this;
$ python sampleoutput.py | logger
This is not generating any output to my log file. The code is simple, and working.
By the way, I don't thing anything wrong with syslog-ng conf file, since if i use the code below, it works as expected.
// samplescript.py
while True:
print "hello world"
Q: why time.sleep() is breaking syslog-ng? Is there any equivalence for sleep() function that I might use on my code?
thanks in advance.
You need to flush the buffered stdout-stream:
import sys