Using the zipfile module I have created a script to extract my archived files, but the method is corrupting everything other than txt files.
def unzip(zip):
filelist = []
dumpfold = r'M:\SVN_EReportingZones\eReportingZones\data\input\26012012'
storage = r'M:\SVN_EReportingZones\eReportingZones\data\input\26012012__download_dump'
file = storage + '\\' + zip
unpack = dumpfold + '\\' + str(zip)
print file
country = str(zip[:2])
countrydir = dumpfold + '\\' + country
folderthere = 0
if exists(countrydir):
folderthere = 1
if folderthere == 0:
zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r')
## print zf.namelist()
shapepresent = 0
Here I have a problem - by reading and writing the zipped data, the zipfile command seems to be rendering it unusable by the programs in question - I am trying to unzip shapefiles for use in ArcGIS...
for info in zfile.infolist():
fname = info.filename
data =
zfilename = countrydir + '\\' + fname
fout = open(zfilename, 'w')# reads and copies the data
print 'New file created ----> %s' % zfilename
Would it be possible to call WinRar using a system command and get it to do my unpacking for me? Cheers, Alex
Having used the wb method, it works for most of my files but some are still being corrupted. When I used winRar to manually unzip the problematic files they load properly, and they also show a larger ile size.
Please could somebody point me in the direction of loading winRar for the complete unzip process?
You are opening the file in a text mode. Try:
fout = open(zfilename, 'wb')# reads and copies the data
The b
opens the file in a binary mode, where the runtime libraries don't try to do any newline conversion.