I have a project where I have to handle sensitive data.
How do I open a keepass
database from C# to use the data?
I have downloaded the source. I will look in it to get what I need. Any other idea?
I thought about reading a KeyPass 2 database so I added a reference to KeyPass.exe in Linqpad and started to experiment. To my surprise and without any outside help (a testament to a good API), I was reading the database after only a few minutes. Here's how I did it:
var dbpath = @"C:\path\to\passwords.kdbx";
var masterpw = "Your$uper$tr0ngMst3rP@ssw0rd";
var ioConnInfo = new IOConnectionInfo { Path = dbpath };
var compKey = new CompositeKey();
compKey.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword(masterpw));
var db = new KeePassLib.PwDatabase();
db.Open(ioConnInfo, compKey, null);
var kpdata = from entry in db.RootGroup.GetEntries(true)
select new
Group = entry.ParentGroup.Name,
Title = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("Title"),
Username = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("UserName"),
Password = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("Password"),
URL = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("URL"),
Notes = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("Notes")
kpdata.Dump(); // this is how Linqpad outputs stuff