I have an exisiting database which I used to create a Model usign the Database first approach. Please refer to the database diagram.
In my solution file, I have a Class Library of the model which has an ADO.NET connection to the database & and I a ASP.NET MVC 3 web application.
The funcitonality that I'm trying to get here is that - the information displayed once a user logs in is different for every user. How do I link the user login page to the 'user' table of the database? Is it directly using the connection string or do I need to go through the model that I created using the Database?
Add a field to your User table called "ProviderUserKey" or MembershipUserID, or something similar of type uniqueidentifier
. You then call Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey
and use that in your where clause of your User Table to select the correct User record based on the logged in user.